Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Lot of...Fun!

Okay so here is what you've missed. This will be a two part post. This first part is all the fun we've had the past few months. I've told you about a few of them and here are a few more.

1. This is quite possibly one of the funniest videos of my sweet goddaughter Madelyn. Maybe she will be a track star?

2. Megan and I went downtown for New Years Eve. We had a great time walking around downtown Chicago and, as you can see, even enjoy "the bean" at Millennium Park. Carefree timelessness really is the best thing sometimes!

3. My godson, Matthew, turned 3 just after Christmas. We celebrated his birthday on New Year. He got some pretty sweet gifts including a Mass Bag from his Aunt Megan and Uncle Kevin. The Bag included a new bible, some books on the saints, saint cards on a ring, a missal with the new translation and other quiet activities during mass. He is a pretty cute young man...er I mean handsome! 

4. At the end of January we had some forced family fun (FFF) with the Johnsons. We went down to the Bulls game. Unfortunately Kyle was out of town, but we still had a good time. The Bulls dominated, as usual and Erin even made a "new friend".

5. Megan and I got to babysit our niece and nephew one night. I played Wii with Jacob all night, who is surprisingly good at the Wii Sports Resort games, and Megan got to play around with Madelyn. While the two siblings love each other Maddy can be a real punk sometimes. Example: Jacob was his usual self jumping from one couch to the other and bouncing off the walls when Madelyn kept wanting to "play", although it looked more like getting in his way. Each time we asked Jacob to play somewhere else she would follow him and get in his way again...gotta love a little sister!

 6. Our good friends Tom and Kristin Spoden brought a beautiful miracle into the world, Alexis Marie Spoden. We had the pleasure of visiting her in the hospital a day after she was born. Here are a couple of pictures of the cutie!

7. Just a couple of weeks ago Matthew, Jeff, my dad and myself went downtown Chicago to two job sites Leopardo Construction is working on. Matthew had such a GREAT time seeing all the machines doing their work. He even got to sit in one of the bobcats and did a little clean up work himself. But the best part of the trip downtown happened on our walk back to the car when I had Matthew on my shoulders. He tightened his legs around my neck and fell on the top of my head, wrapping his arms around my face and he said, "Uncle Kevin. I love you". It was the sweetest moment we've had.

8. Finally, just this past weekend Megan and I went to a wine tasting in Wheaton. Our friend, Brian, bought a wine tasting for 10 people at a charity auction and we were able to enjoy some tasty wine and the company of good friends. And good friends are such a beautiful thing!

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