Wednesday, August 21, 2013


They're not usually PC (politically correct, not personal computer) but they are often right on the money. Think about it.

  • Men are strong and do all the work. 
  • Tall guys are handsomer. 
  • All blonds are dumb
  • Women are bad drivers
  • All librarians wear glasses, wear their hair in a bun and are old maids
  • All black people are amazing at sports
Okay so maybe they aren't always right (but I'm pretty sure the one about tall guys is spot on). In any case my friend sent me this video from some guys (Dude Perfect) who know how to perform some awesome trick shots and know exactly how to stereotype. Watch this video:

Now anyone who has ever played pick up basketball knows that these stereotypes are as good as you can get!

And in case you were wondering, I am Mr. Excuses, Mr. The Tall Guy Who Shoots 3 and Mr. Imaginary Dunker - all rolled into one sweet package!

Friday, August 9, 2013

After the Inital Thoughts on Pope Francis

Pope Francis has been leading the Catholic Church for just over 5 months now and I wanted to share my thoughts after my initial thoughts - the post-initial thoughts.

  1. He Makes Himself Vulnerable: Pope Francis loves to keep everyone on their toes - his security detail, the Vatican gardening staff and even the media. He has often given the slip to his security by just going out the back door and stroll down the streets of the Vatican and Rome. He asked that the walls be taken off the popemobile so that he could be closer to us, "the people". The first week in the Vatican he started saying daily mass with his gardening and housekeeping staff. Nope not cardinals, bishops or other dignitaries, he opens himself to the servants of the house - he serves rather than be served. He even keeps the media on edge when he says he won't be able to do an interview, then shows up 10 minutes later and is ready to talk - now that will keep the writing and journalists on their toes!
  2. He Preaches Humility; He Demonstrates Humility: The Holy Father says he will pray for you - that's nothing new. But Francis then asks for my prayers too! He has the humility to recognize that he needs prayers more than anyone else. He even asks prayers from the youngest ones. 
  3. He Solidifies Through Solidarity: He does have a computer, and my guess would be that the cell phone he does have isn't a smartphone. But even though he himself is not sending out tweets, updating his status on Facebook or posting new pics to instagram, he knows how to unify the Church through solidarity. When he was in Argentina he would give out his cell phone number to all his priests and told them to call him whenever they needed to talk. While he isn't publicizing his papal phone number he still remains open to his bishops and cardinals, and to you and me.
  4. He Loves Simply: The best way to tell you how he loves simply is to show you this video. He is leaving an event at World Youth Day and as he gets into the helicopter (after saying his pre-travel prayer) he makes a universal gesture of love. It's cute, and simple.

All in all, I like how Pope Francis has approached the papacy and led the Catholic Church in his first 5 months.  He is clearly a man who lets his actions speak louder then his words. 

What do you think of Pope Francis thus far?

Also, a fun little test. How well do you know the past 3 popes?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

In the Silence of Millions

Who is the one person that can silence millions and millions of people with just His presence? Who can make grown men of 80 years old, young teens of 16 and 17, women of all ages and a leader of more than 1.2 billion people fall to their knees?

Jesus Christ.

Adoration is such a beautiful thing. I can't even imagine playing for millions of people, hundreds of bishops, and the Holy Father Pope Francis. But the coolest thing is all of them were crying out to another, to their Father, "Lord, I need you. Every hour I need you. My one defense, my righteousness. O God, I need you".
This videos is from World Youth Day just a couple of weeks ago. I love how when the song finishes no one erupts in applause for Matt Maher but rather they all stay silent for Our Lord. Enjoy...and then go to adoration and tell God how much you need him.

Friday, August 2, 2013

A Pregnant Update

Hi All,
I know it has been a couple of months since the last update here so I wanted to let you all know how the summer is going.
Inline image 1

The short answer is GREAT! Megan is healthy, the baby is healthy (and I'm healthy, although that's not quite as important) and praise God that the weather isn't as hot! It was getting a little stuffy in our non-A/C house. 

Nevertheless, we still need your prayers! Please!

With some of the complications of us getting and staying preganat, comes the possibility of pre-term births. So we ask for your prayers that our child would continue to grow and remain healthy until the end of September, around the due date (9/26/13).

That's all for now. For those of you who haven't seen us (and Megan in particular - because I don't look much different) here is a picture of her from our niece's baptism a couple of weeks ago. (Isn't she cute?!) And just think, you can all come to our child's baptism in about 2.5 months!!!

Thanks again for the prayers.

Also, we got our travel system yesterday and we just had to try it out!

Photo: It's twins. Not identical, of course.