Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jesuit Wisdom

Yesterday, June 21 was the feast day of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, the well know Jesuit who had a beautiful spirituality and the man who the west coast university is named after. But I wanted to share with you the meditation of the day from the Magnificat. This was written by Father Pedro Arrupe, the Father General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).

Nothing is more practical than
finding God, than
falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what siezes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heard,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in Love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Flags + Bourbon = America!!!

While I am a usually a straight irish whiskey/scotch man myself I do appreciate a good bourbon every now and then. Having its roots in the 18th-19th centuries from the early settlers moving west from the original colonies to the Kentucky area - Bourbon County to be specific - bourbon was giving the presidential stamp by LBJ as "The Official Spirit of America". So on this National Bourbon Day, June 14th (which also happens to be Flag Day - coincidence?) go out and enjoy three fingers of Jim, Maker's, Woodford or another fine bourbon or bourbon based mixed beverage and thank God for America!

Check out the official website for more -

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Ideal # of Kids

My sister just had her third child. (This gives her household a total of 5 people - 2.4 MORE than the average from the last major census in 2010.) We visited her in the hospital the day after she (Charlotte) was born and I had so much joy walking into the room and hearing her tell me how happy their other kids were to see their new baby sister; to hold new addition of their family and give her sweet kisses. It reminded me of two things that I wanted to share.

First, I was reminded of a discussion my friends and I were having just a couple of months ago about the ideal number of children for a family. We had just finished reading a book which studies Love and Responsibility ("LR"), the great philosophic work of Blessed John Paul II - a sort of precursor to his Theology of the Body (see My Top 13 for more). In LR, he alludes to the fact that the ideal number of children for a family is 3 or more. He explains it as the first child is able to love and play with the second child, and that in itself is beautiful. But the great love occurs when the first AND second child can love the third child together. Similar to the Trinitarian model where the Father and the Son together Love with the Holy Spirit. Now he is not saying that if you only have one or two kids you are bad people or your family is not as good as a family with 3 or more kids but that young families should strive to have more than 2 kids.

Secondly, I have heard the argument that people don't want to have more than 2 kids because they can't handle it or they can't afford it or they won't be able to give them the time and attention that they need. And to that I tell you what Megan said to a co-worker who said they don't imagine having more than two kids. "Well then you wouldn't have me!" She really is a great witness to family!!! I love her comment. Not only would you not have Megan but you wouldn't have me if our parents had decided that the could only handle two kids. If you're deciding between another kid and a new tv, or your family vacation, or a dog. Choose the kid. You may just get a really special one like ME!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Newest Niece!!!

A week ago on Sunday, 26, 2013 at nearly 3:30 in the morning Megan and I welcomed a new niece into the world! Charlotte Jean Korney was born to proud parents Steve and Lisa and most proud big brother and sister, Jacob and Madelyn. We are so happy to have another little one in our family. See my upcoming post on why I am so happy the Korney's have a third child (that's what the entertainment biz calls a teaser). In the mean time enjoy the pictures of this cutie and her happy family!