Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Finally Shoveled Out...And More

Well we finally shoveled out...and with the help of the strangely warm weather and rain much of the snow has melted. Still I felt I needed to share these pictures with you of what our driveway looked like covered in a 19" fluffly blanket.

After shoveling out we decided to bake cookies. Our only problem was that we didn't have any butter. So what do we do? We drive out and get some butter. The road picture shows the intersection of Higgins & Roselle Rds.

No that's not an elderly neighbor...that's Megan!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shoveling Like A Man

As I once said at the beginning of this blog, the Art of Manliness is an excellent website promoting the lost art of chivelry. Here is a great article on properly shoveling your driveway - esp. with 16+ inches of snow. I also recommend the "13 Things A Man Should Keep In His Car" article.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Uncontrollable Laughter

Have you ever started laughing and just couldn't stop? Then, after laughing for a while you can't seem to remember why you started laughing? My godson Matthew is one of the best a laughing non-stop. This video is just one example of him laughing up a storm. Another time, just this past Sunday, I was playing hide and seek with him. He would hide under the table and I would walk into the room and say, "Where's Matthew? Is he behind the couch" Then I would hear a small reply, "No" followed by laughter. So I said again, "Is he next to the chair?" And again, "No...hahahahahahaha". Then when I finally found him - it wasn't too hard - after asking "Is he under the table?" and he replied "YES!". We would laugh and laugh and he simply could not stop. So here is the video of him laughing. It always brings a smile to my face to see others smile.